About This

Just an ordinary blog about an ordinary, but happily married, couple. Mainly culprit-ed by the Mrs.

Special Update

Sentanu Daily go international!! and by that we mean there will be no more posting in Indonesia language. Well, there will be occasional postings in Indonesia language, but not much. This is because we would like to have a go and monetize our blog. -Sentanu-

strawberry with cream cheese

Didapat dari detikfood.com

2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm air jeruk lemon
150 g strawbery segar, cuci, bersihkan, potong-potong
4 keping biskuit atau wafer, memarkan
4 skop es krim vanili
Krim Keju, kocok rata:
200 ml whipped cream
100 g cream cheese

Cara membuat:

* Panaskan gula dan air jeruk lemon hingga leleh.
* Masukkan strawberry, aduk rata. Angkat dan dinginkan.
* Siapkan 4 gelas saji, taruh biskuit memar di dalam tiap gelas.
* Beri Krim keju, taruh strawberry dan biskuit, kerjakan selapis lagi.
* Taruh 1 skop es krim vanili di atasnya.
* Beri hiasan, sajikan segera.

Untuk 4 gelas ( eka / Odi )